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Sasha is a 10 month old beagle mix that weighs 29lbs! She is working hard on walking on a leash and gets along great with other dogs and cats! She would do best with a resident dog in her new home to show her the ropes.
Hunter is a 3 year old male chihuahua mix that weighs 12lbs. More info coming soon!
Shiloh is a female chihuahua mix that weighs 8.5lbs! She is a happy pup that gets along great with other dogs. She's also potty trained and walks well on a leash!
Hudson is a 3 year old male chihuahua mix that weighs 18lbs. More info coming soon!
Dorothy is a 23lb lab mix that just turned 6 months. Dorothy gets along with everyone she meets including dogs, kids, and even cats. She loves playing with her toys and is very food motivated.
Hank is a handsome 7 month old lab/pittie mix who loves adventure. He's a goofy pup that's great with both dogs and cats!
Mila is a 6 month old terrier/hound mix that weighs 29lbs! More info coming soon.
Betty is 6 month old lab mix that weighs 30lbs. She loves chewing on toys, snuggling, and getting belly rubs! Betty sleeps through the night in her crate and is very food motivated.
Introducing the Friends duo! Ross is a 2 year old chihuahua mix that weighs 18lbs. He and Monica came to us from a terrible environment and are bonded. Ideally, they are adopted together, but separating them would require the adopter to have a resident dog as they are much more comfortable around dogs. Want to be a member of the Friends group? Open your home (and heart) to these cuties!
Despite being abused, Diesel is good natured pup that seems fine with kids and dogs. He is a 3 year old beagle mix that weighs 24 lbs. A heroic foster mom saved his life and we cannot wait to get him into the forever home he deserves!
Mimi is a 2 year old chihuahua/min pin mix that is ready to go home with you! she gets along well with dogs of all sizes, kids and even cats! She loves cuddling on the couch and following her person around the house.
Pixie is a 5 year old boxer mix that weighs about 40lbs. She is a lover of all things! She gets along well with dogs of all sizes and enjoys spending time with her people. If you are looking for a walking buddy, Pixie is your girl!
we do not approve the use of electronic fences
Due to the small size of our team, we can only contact applicants who we believe are a good match for the dog they applied for. Thank you!
Rescuing our dogs and ensuring they have the proper care is costly. Saving one dog costs $400 minimum. Here's the breakdown:
Transportation from Texas to Massachusetts: $185
Vetting and vaccines: $200 - $250
Food: $50
Unexpected illness or behavior needs: $200+
All donations are tax deductible! Our dogs thank you for your generosity!